Wet Scrubber / Gas Scrubber

Wet Scrubber / Gas Scrubber

Mittal Blowers' scrubber systems represent our commitment to innovation, efficiency, and environmental responsibility in industrial air pollution control systems.

A Venturi Scrubber is an air pollution control device that utilizes fluid mechanics and particle dynamics to remove particulate matter from exhaust gas streams.

Gas flow accelerates through a constricted section (Venturi throat), creating turbulence. As gas velocity rises, liquid is added, producing small droplets that capture particulates in the increased turbulence.

Types of Wet Scrubbers :
  1. Spray Tower Scrubbers :
    • Description:Spray tower scrubbers are low-energy wet scrubbers that consist of an open vessel with spray nozzles distributing the scrubbing liquid. Gas enters from the bottom, moving upward through the liquid sprays to capture particles.
    • Advantages:Simple design, low pressure drop, and energy-efficient.
    • Disadvantages:Less efficient for small particles and potential for gas bypass.
    • Applications:Dust, mist, and fume control, and particulate matter removal.
  2. Venturi Scrubbers :
    • Description:Venturi scrubbers use a high-velocity throat section to accelerate gas flow and break the scrubbing liquid into tiny droplets. They are effective for fine particulate control and acid gas removal.
    • Advantages: High removal efficiency, suitable for sub-micron particles.
    • Disadvantages:Higher pressure drop and potential for erosion
    • Applications:Fine particulate control, acid gas removal, and industrial exhaust gas cleaning.
  3. Packed-Bed Scrubbers:
    • Description: Packed-bed scrubbers utilize layered packing material to create gas-liquid contact. The liquid flowing through the packing absorbs pollutants as the gas flows up through the chamber.
    • Advantages:High removal efficiency, moderate pressure drop, and smaller space requirements.
    • Disadvantages:Limited dust loadings and potential for clogging and channeling
    • Applications:Control of inorganic gases and fumes, VOC removal, and some particulate removal.
How Wet Scrubbers Work

Wet scrubbers function by passing contaminated exhaust gas through a liquid medium to remove pollutants. This gas-liquid contact can occur through spraying or bubbling methods:

  • Spraying Method : The exhaust gas is sprayed with the scrubbing liquid using nozzles, where pollutants attach to liquid droplets and are removed.
  • Bubbling Method : Gas bubbles rise through a pool of scrubbing liquid, absorbing pollutants in the liquid pool effectively